
Showing posts from September, 2020

Metric spaces

  Metric spaces [ edit ] Definition [ edit ] A point  �  of the  metric space   ( � , � )  is the  limit  of the  sequence   ( � � )  if: For each  real number   � > 0 , there is a  natural number   �  such that, for every natural number  � ≥ � , we have  � ( � � , � ) < � . Symbolically, this is: ∀ � > 0 ( ∃ � ∈ � ( ∀ � ∈ � ( � ≥ � ⟹ � ( � � , � ) < � ) ) ) . This coincides with the definition given for real numbers when  � = �  and  � ( � , � ) = | � − � | . Properties [ edit ] When it exists, the limit of a sequence is unique, as distinct points are separated by some positive distance, so for  �  less than half this distance, sequence terms cannot be within a distance  �  of both points. For any  continuous function   f , if  lim � → ∞ � �  exists, then  lim � → ∞ � ( � � ) = � ( lim � → ∞ � � ) . In fact, a  function   f  is continuous if and only if it preserves the limits of sequences. Cauchy sequences [ edit ] Main article:  Cauchy sequence The plot of a Cauchy seque