Functions between metric spaces


Functions between metric spaces[edit]

Euler diagram of types of functions between metric spaces.

Unlike in the case of topological spaces or algebraic structures such as groups or rings, there is no single "right" type of structure-preserving function between metric spaces. Instead, one works with different types of functions depending on one's goals. Throughout this section, suppose that  and  are two metric spaces. The words "function" and "map" are used interchangeably.


One interpretation of a "structure-preserving" map is one that fully preserves the distance function:

A function  is distance-preserving[12] if for every pair of points x and y in M1,

It follows from the metric space axioms that a distance-preserving function is injective. A bijective distance-preserving function is called an isometry.[13] One perhaps non-obvious example of an isometry between spaces described in this article is the map  defined by

If there is an isometry between the spaces M1 and M2, they are said to be isometric. Metric spaces that are isometric are essentially identical.

Continuous maps[edit]

On the other end of the spectrum, one can forget entirely about the metric structure and study continuous maps, which only preserve topological structure. There are several equivalent definitions of continuity for metric spaces. The most important are:

  • Topological definition. A function  is continuous if for every open set U in M2, the preimage  is open.
  • Sequential continuity. A function  is continuous if whenever a sequence (xn) converges to a point x in M1, the sequence  converges to the point f(x) in M2.
(These first two definitions are not equivalent for all topological spaces.)
  • ε–δ definition. A function  is continuous if for every point x in M1 and every ε > 0 there exists δ > 0 such that for all y in M1 we have

homeomorphism is a continuous map whose inverse is also continuous; if there is a homeomorphism between M1 and M2, they are said to be homeomorphic. Homeomorphic spaces are the same from the point of view of topology, but may have very different metric properties. For example,  is unbounded and complete, while (0, 1) is bounded but not complete.

Uniformly continuous maps[edit]

A function  is uniformly continuous if for every real number ε > 0 there exists δ > 0 such that for all points x and y in M1 such that , we have

The only difference between this definition and the ε–δ definition of continuity is the order of quantifiers: the choice of δ must depend only on ε and not on the point x. However, this subtle change makes a big difference. For example, uniformly continuous maps take Cauchy sequences in M1 to Cauchy sequences in M2. In other words, uniform continuity preserves some metric properties which are not purely topological.

On the other hand, the Heine–Cantor theorem states that if M1 is compact, then every continuous map is uniformly continuous. In other words, uniform continuity cannot distinguish any non-topological features of compact metric spaces.

Lipschitz maps and contractions[edit]

Lipschitz map is one that stretches distances by at most a bounded factor. Formally, given a real number K > 0, the map  is K-Lipschitz if

Lipschitz maps are particularly important in metric geometry, since they provide more flexibility than distance-preserving maps, but still make essential use of the metric.[14] For example, a curve in a metric space is rectifiable (has finite length) if and only if it has a Lipschitz reparametrization.

A 1-Lipschitz map is sometimes called a nonexpanding or metric map. Metric maps are commonly taken to be the morphisms of the category of metric spaces.

K-Lipschitz map for K < 1 is called a contraction. The Banach fixed-point theorem states that if M is a complete metric space, then every contraction  admits a unique fixed point. If the metric space M is compact, the result holds for a slightly weaker condition on f: a map  admits a unique fixed point if


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