Real analysis


Real analysis

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In mathematics, the branch of real analysis studies the behavior of real numberssequences and series of real numbers, and real functions.[1] Some particular properties of real-valued sequences and functions that real analysis studies include convergencelimitscontinuitysmoothnessdifferentiability and integrability.

Real analysis is distinguished from complex analysis, which deals with the study of complex numbers and their functions.


Construction of the real numbers[edit]

The theorems of real analysis rely on the properties of the real number system, which must be established. The real number system consists of an uncountable set (), together with two binary operations denoted + and , and an order denoted <. The operations make the real numbers a field, and, along with the order, an ordered field. The real number system is the unique complete ordered field, in the sense that any other complete ordered field is isomorphic to it. Intuitively, completeness means that there are no 'gaps' in the real numbers. This property distinguishes the real numbers from other ordered fields (e.g., the rational numbers ) and is critical to the proof of several key properties of functions of the real numbers. The completeness of the reals is often conveniently expressed as the least upper bound property (see below).

Order properties of the real numbers[edit]

The real numbers have various lattice-theoretic properties that are absent in the complex numbers. Also, the real numbers form an ordered field, in which sums and products of positive numbers are also positive. Moreover, the ordering of the real numbers is total, and the real numbers have the least upper bound property:

Every nonempty subset of  that has an upper bound has a least upper bound that is also a real number.

These order-theoretic properties lead to a number of fundamental results in real analysis, such as the monotone convergence theorem, the intermediate value theorem and the mean value theorem.

However, while the results in real analysis are stated for real numbers, many of these results can be generalized to other mathematical objects. In particular, many ideas in functional analysis and operator theory generalize properties of the real numbers – such generalizations include the theories of Riesz spaces and positive operators. Also, mathematicians consider real and imaginary parts of complex sequences, or by pointwise evaluation of operator sequences.[clarification needed]

Topological properties of the real numbers[edit]

Many of the theorems of real analysis are consequences of the topological properties of the real number line. The order properties of the real numbers described above are closely related to these topological properties. As a topological space, the real numbers has a standard topology, which is the order topology induced by order . Alternatively, by defining the metric or distance function  using the absolute value function as , the real numbers become the prototypical example of a metric space. The topology induced by metric  turns out to be identical to the standard topology induced by order . Theorems like the intermediate value theorem that are essentially topological in nature can often be proved in the more general setting of metric or topological spaces rather than in  only. Often, such proofs tend to be shorter or simpler compared to classical proofs that apply direct methods.


sequence is a function whose domain is a countabletotally ordered set. The domain is usually taken to be the natural numbers,[2] although it is occasionally convenient to also consider bidirectional sequences indexed by the set of all integers, including negative indices.

Of interest in real analysis, a real-valued sequence, here indexed by the natural numbers, is a map . Each  is referred to as a term (or, less commonly, an element) of the sequence. A sequence is rarely denoted explicitly as a function; instead, by convention, it is almost always notated as if it were an ordered ∞-tuple, with individual terms or a general term enclosed in parentheses:[3]

A sequence that tends to a limit (i.e.,  exists) is said to be convergent; otherwise it is divergent. (See the section on limits and convergence for details.) A real-valued sequence  is bounded if there exists  such that  for all . A real-valued sequence  is monotonically increasing or decreasing if
holds, respectively. If either holds, the sequence is said to be monotonic. The monotonicity is strict if the chained inequalities still hold with  or  replaced by < or >.

Given a sequence , another sequence  is a subsequence of  if  for all positive integers  and  is a strictly increasing sequence of natural numbers.

Limits and convergence[edit]

Roughly speaking, a limit is the value that a function or a sequence "approaches" as the input or index approaches some value.[4] (This value can include the symbols  when addressing the behavior of a function or sequence as the variable increases or decreases without bound.) The idea of a limit is fundamental to calculus (and mathematical analysis in general) and its formal definition is used in turn to define notions like continuityderivatives, and integrals. (In fact, the study of limiting behavior has been used as a characteristic that distinguishes calculus and mathematical analysis from other branches of mathematics.)

The concept of limit was informally introduced for functions by Newton and Leibniz, at the end of the 17th century, for building infinitesimal calculus. For sequences, the concept was introduced by Cauchy, and made rigorous, at the end of the 19th century by Bolzano and Weierstrass, who gave the modern ε-δ definition, which follows.

Definition. Let  be a real-valued function defined on . We say that  tends to  as  approaches , or that the limit of  as  approaches  is  if, for any , there exists  such that for all  implies that . We write this symbolically as

or as
Intuitively, this definition can be thought of in the following way: We say that  as , when, given any positive number , no matter how small, we can always find a , such that we can guarantee that  and  are less than  apart, as long as  (in the domain of ) is a real number that is less than  away from  but distinct from . The purpose of the last stipulation, which corresponds to the condition  in the definition, is to ensure that  does not imply anything about the value of  itself. Actually,  does not even need to be in the domain of  in order for  to exist.

In a slightly different but related context, the concept of a limit applies to the behavior of a sequence  when  becomes large.

Definition. Let  be a real-valued sequence. We say that  converges to  if, for any , there exists a natural number  such that  implies that . We write this symbolically as

or as
if  fails to converge, we say that  diverges.

Generalizing to a real-valued function of a real variable, a slight modification of this definition (replacement of sequence  and term  by function  and value  and natural numbers  and  by real numbers  and , respectively) yields the definition of the limit of  as  increases without bound, notated . Reversing the inequality  to  gives the corresponding definition of the limit of  as  decreases without bound.

Sometimes, it is useful to conclude that a sequence converges, even though the value to which it converges is unknown or irrelevant. In these cases, the concept of a Cauchy sequence is useful.

Definition. Let  be a real-valued sequence. We say that  is a Cauchy sequence if, for any , there exists a natural number  such that  implies that .

It can be shown that a real-valued sequence is Cauchy if and only if it is convergent. This property of the real numbers is expressed by saying that the real numbers endowed with the standard metric, , is a complete metric space. In a general metric space, however, a Cauchy sequence need not converge.

In addition, for real-valued sequences that are monotonic, it can be shown that the sequence is bounded if and only if it is convergent.



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